Balanced Hormones

Hormonal balance is having the appropriate amount of hormones at a specific time. Women have to keep their estrogen and progesterone levels in balance. Men have to keep their testosterone in balance.

If there is too much or too little hormone, overall health can be in danger of illnesses and diseases.

Who can be affected by a hormonal imbalance?

Medical News Today reported that everyone can experience hormonal imbalance at least once in their life. For women, imbalances may occur during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and menopause. Men may experience hormonal imbalances during puberty and aging.

How can I check my hormonal balance?

Nearly 47% of women have experienced the symptoms of hormonal imbalance according to a 2019 survey. Seventy-two percent of those women found the cause of their hormonal imbalance after the survey was taken. Symptoms might be there and you may not know.

Symptoms for women include:

  • mood swings;
  • weight gain;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • anxiety;
  • hot flashes;
  • lack of energy;
  • decrease in sex drive;
  • decrease in self-confidence;
  • body temperature change;
  • not feeling feminine, womanly.

Symptoms for men include:

  • mood swings;
  • memory loss;
  • weight gain;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • anxiety;
  • night sweats or hot flashes;
  • decrease in sex drive;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • hair loss;
  • not feeling masculine, manly.

How can I treat hormonal imbalance?

Good news, those who battle with a hormonal imbalance can receive treatment! There are simple ways to start balancing your hormones!

Women and men can:

Change diet – increase intake of nutrients and protein. Your bottle needs food to fuel you. Fuel your body with care.
Drink water – avoid alcohol and caffeine. Avoid the added stress.
Exercise – get your heart pumping! Try for 30 minutes to 1 hour a day.
Pay attention to triggers – avoid things that put you in a fog or slow you down. Chart your diet and habits to stay ahead!
Set aside time for you – your happiness matters. Try listening to calming music, focus on things that make you happy, and relax!
Talk and start a replacement therapy – let someone know how you are doing! Talk to a doctor or trusted adult who will encourage you and guide you along the way. Doctors may recommend a specific medication based on your specific needs.

Dangers of Hormone Imbalance

The most dangerous thing about a hormonal imbalance is not actually the symptom, but what it may represent. Common causes of a hormonal imbalance range from diabetes to thyroid issues, to glandular issues and possible tumors – either benign or malignant.

If your body is reacting in these ways to changes in your body’s chemicals, it could be a sign of a deeper issue, which could be dangerous if left untreated.

Particularly in women, a hormonal imbalance could indicate the early onset of menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome, primary ovarian insufficiency, and even ovarian cancer, among other conditions.

In men, a hormone imbalance could indicate any number of conditions, including prostate cancer.

Talk to a doctor about any new or unusual symptoms that are not typical of your personality or body. Many people keep a log to keep track of changes; this is helpful when describing to their doctors any concerns or symptoms.

Once diagnosed, a doctor will work with you to prescribe medicine, advise lifestyle changes, conduct additional testing, or refer you to a specialist.

Start with a free consultation online, get in touch!

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