
Ever notice how one day you can feel super-confident about how you look and think, “Not too shabby!” when you look in the mirror? But, then another day, you’ve got zero confidence about your appearance and are focused on so-called flaws whenever you take a peek at yourself?

This dramatic change can come down to where a woman is in her menstrual cycle, according to a 2019 study from the University of Tübingen in Germany.

According to the study authors, a woman tends to feel more physically attractive and spend less time gazing less in the mirror at body parts she’s dissatisfied with during the days leading up to and including ovulation.

Contrast that to her premenstrual phase (Week 4) when she tends to feel less physically attractive and gaze longer in the mirror at body parts she isn’t happy with.

Spiking estrogen during Week 2 helps the brain churn out more brain chemicals that boost mood, self-confidence, and self-esteem.

And, plunging estrogen in the premenstrual Week 4 has the opposite effect: It drags down levels of brain chemicals needed to bolster mood, self-confidence, and self-esteem, leading to insecurity about how a woman looks.

How low testosterone can erode self-confidence in men?

The symptoms of low testosterone can erode a man’s confidence and self-esteem. Low T can sap energy and spirit and interfere with sexual performance.

Testosterone is a hormone that has wide ramifications, both from a psychological and a physiological perspective, according to experts. It’s the most important male sex hormone, responsible for helping the body produce and maintain masculine features.

Today, effective treatments can normalize a man’s testosterone levels. Doctors say those treatments — mainly hormone gels, patches, and shots — may be effective in returning confidence to a person with low testosterone.

A lot of people say they didn’t realize how down they were, and they aren’t aware of that until the normalization of testosterone occurs.

Low T Challenges to Confidence

Men with low testosterone often report increased fatigue and lack of energy. They feel moody and tired and are less interested in physical activity. At worst, men can have depression from low T.

Low T also can cause reduced muscle mass and strength, sometimes with a corresponding increase in body fat. Muscles will shrink, and the body will start to sag.

Those men will come in saying they can’t lift weights as much, and their strength is diminished.

Low testosterone also can cause problems with sexual function. Men with low T find it difficult to achieve and maintain an erection and may have less interest in sex. Their sperm counts will go down, possibly leading to infertility.

Low T Treatments and Benefits

A simple blood test can determine whether a man has low testosterone. Normal testosterone levels are 300 to 1,200 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl).

Teenagers will experience average levels in the 700s to 800s, but as men age, their testosterone levels naturally decline. Seniors normally have testosterone levels in the 300s.

Testosterone replacement therapy is performed using a topical gel or patch. The testosterone secretes into the body through the skin. Doctors also may use testosterone injections or implant a time-released hormone pellet under the skin of the buttock.

Results usually develop within a couple of months. Men may find themselves feeling more energetic and more sexually responsive. And, as a result, their confidence and self-esteem can also receive a boost.

It’s clear it changes as they feel more connected and more relaxed with themselves. Their sex drive goes up. They feel more alive.

Contact our experts here to ask any questions concerning your hormones or possible treatment.

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